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Travel: What Should I Do In Cambodia? (VIDEO)

YouTube travel channel SundayFundayz lays out their Top 10 activities for Cambodia, including Angkor Wat and the Killing Fields
Eating alligator and/or snake in Cambodia is apparently a Top 10 think to do in the Southeast Asian country.

I have never been to Cambodia. So I'll defer to people who have, and recommend them to you.

In the video above, a Top 10 compilation by the seemingly always-travelling crew at Vancouver-based SundayFundayz, you'll find a few suggestions that will appeal to a wide variety of travellers.

History lovers will clamour for the temples of Angkor Wat of a somber tour through the Killing Fields, while high-adrenaline backpackers are no doubt already jonesing to fire a rocket launcher in the Cambodian jungle, or to spend a few nights at Wish You Were Here hostel in Sihanookville.

Below is the group's full video tour of Cambodia, filmed in 2012. Enjoy.

VIDEO: A Holiday in Cambodia (via SundayFundayz on YouTube)