A flood of video submissions and callers in the public hearing portion of Victoria council’s deliberations on the Northern Junk buildings proposal Thursday night (July 29) left no time for a vote on the matter.
Council elected to postpone discussions and their decision on the Reliance Properties proposal until the Aug. 5 evening council meeting.
The public hearing, the second of two scheduled on the night, was closed at 11:30 p.m. and saw a range of interested parties participate. Longtime heritage advocates in general voiced disapproval of the proposal to build a modern rental building on top of the two existing heritage warehouse structures, and incorporate commercial space within the old buildings.
Many people, including a notable young adult contingent, voiced approval for the plan to create more rental housing on the high-profile yet long-neglected site.
With the public hearing closed, no additional comments will be heard on the application and no emails received after the closure will be read. However, the proponent will be present during discussions on Aug. 5 to answer any questions council members have on the proposal.
RELATED STORY: Developer brings eighth proposal for Northern Junk buildings to Victoria council
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