Upgrades worth more than $4.5 million aim to transform the BC Transit bus exchange at the University of Victoria, along with related facilities around Ring Road.
Construction on the project has begun near the UVic bookstore, where nine bus bays, six bus shelters and two layover bays will be refurbished. Another major focus is the improvement of the nearby pedestrian environment, including signage and wayfinding, and new bike storage shelters will be added.
UVic is the second most-frequent destination in the Victoria regional transit system, experiencing peak transit service of 55 buses per hour and 17,000 daily trips to and from, said Saanich Coun. Susan Brice, who chairs the Victoria Regional Transit Commission.
The upgrades will see old bus shelters replaced, new lighting and signage installed and landscaping done, paved walkways, replacement and repair of concrete bus pads and asphalt; improved pedestrian paths and realigned crosswalk locations.
During the construction, the exchange will be closed and temporary bus stop signage will be erected to help guide transit riders.
ALSO READ: Bus traffic on the Saanich Peninsula to get jump up with new lanes
Nine trees will be removed, three of which are bylaw protected and required a permit, but 15 new trees will be planted – six at the exchange and nine elsewhere on campus.
The project, announced last year, is scheduled to wrap up later this summer. The improvements are being co-funded by the federal government (just under $1.8 million) the province (more than $1.7 million), and UVic and Victoria Regional Transit Commission, whose combined contribution totals just over $1 million.
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