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Victoria police officers thanked for work combatting drunk drivers

Four Victoria police officers were recognized for handling at least 10 drunk driving cases last year.

The officers were part of a ceremony at Glenlyon Norfolk school recently that thanked officers for their work against impaired driving.

The ceremony was organized by Alexa’s Team, a group comprised of Laurel and Michael Middelaer, plus the BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation.

The Middelaers are the parents of Alexa Middelaer, who was four years old when she was hit and killed by a drunk driver in Delta, B.C., while Alexa had been feeding treats to her favourite horse in May 2008.

The four officers are constables Andy Dunstan, Dawndra Tolsma and Ryan Wilson, and Acting Sgt. Graeme Leblanc.



About the Author: Staff Writer

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