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Columnist strikes wrong chord on teachers’ job action

Fletcher likely hasn't stood in front of classroom full of students

Re: BCTF indoctrinating our kids (B.C. Views, March 7)

While I would agree that having six-year olds send letters to the education minister is inappropriate, comparing that action to those of a brutal dictatorship is nothing but bullying in a different form and shows a shocking level of ignorance about what goes on in North Korea.

Furthermore, has Tom Fletcher’s wealth of experience ever included standing in front of 30 to 40 teenagers, many of whom are likely to be affected by everything from raging hormones to drug problems or even an abusive home environment? I suspect it hasn’t.

As for the study he refers to, it is obvious he didn’t read more than the title page. Among the variables found to improve student performance were “high-dosage tutoring” and “frequent teacher feedback.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that just teaching by another name, only performed one-on-one with the student? If only B.C. teachers had time to do these things.

I should mention that while I am not a teacher, my wife is. Despite what Mr. Fletcher says, she and most of her colleagues really do care more about their students than about how much they get paid. They work long hours to educate our children and supervise after-school activities, and in return they are continuously maligned by the government and the media.

I strongly suggest that anyone who wants to criticize them should first spend some time in their shoes.

Mike Baker
