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Don’t blame Lunn for the interchange

Why does Mr. Brian Shepherd of Sidney in a recent letter to the editor, blame Mr. Lunn for the perceived ills of the interchange?

Why does Mr. Brian Shepherd of Sidney in a recent letter to the editor, blame Mr. Lunn for the perceived ills of the interchange?

It was a provincial project designed by the province in accordance with provincial policy/guidelines for roundabouts. The design process was completed long before Mr. Lunn coughed up some federal funds as an assist to the province in financing the project at a time when there was a strong need in the Peninsula for new employment for people in the area.

Mr. Shepherd should be commended for not taking his 50-year old vehicle out onto the highways as he readily admits that he has lost confidence in his own ability to deal with present day traffic.

Paul Tuckwell

North Saanich