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LETTER: Coast Guard could prevent boat debris from littering Sidney's shores

Coast Guard and Transport Canada not enforcing existing federal legislation
Clay Frith is happy to do his part in keeping Tulista Park waters clean.

Thank you for your recent news story about residents coming together to clear the Tulista Park waterfront of boat debris.

This situation should not have happened. The Coast Guard didn't do their job when informed of the vessel by the town and concerned citizens. The Coast Guard, along with Transport Canada, can prevent such situations. Instead, they are choosing not to enforce existing federal legislation. Their inaction is shameful!  

And now the community has to deal with the debris and boat pieces that are littering the shoreline and causing harm to ocean life and associated natural systems. I hope the Coast Guard learns from this experience, and in the future shows leadership and fulfills their responsibility as the community expects.

Bob Peart, chair

Friends of Shoal Harbour