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LETTER: Developer 'wolves' are at Central Saanich's door

Don’t make the same mistakes as Victorians have – adhere to your official community plan
Aryze Developments and Legion Manor Victoria are looking to create nearly 200 homes for seniors and the Central Saanich workforce through a development proposal. (Courtesy of Aryze Developments)

Re: Central Saanich to revisit plan for Hovey Road. Uncertainty seems to be increasing everywhere we look today. Competing interests driven by social engineering, ideological control, virtue signaling and pitting one group against another at all levels of society.

At the municipal level, we have community agreement over future development planning and densification in official community plans (OCP). Official plans that residents rely upon when choosing their neighbourhoods and homes.

In Victoria, the OCP has been out the window for some time. The chaos within Victoria, and the proliferation of developers providing virtue-signaling “incentives” to the city to achieve densification and negate the official community plan is reaching its apex.

So, we see Victorians looking to escape this municipal madness by moving to neighbouring municipalities, where they now face the same uncertainties.

The proposal at Hovey Road and East Saanich is a prime example in an equally poor location.

A land assembly developer virtue signals, if Central Saanich council passes changes to the recently adopted OCP, allows zoning permitting a six-storey “seniors” development on a rural residential street in Central Saanich, they would provide $250,000 to Central Saanich Little League and provide new sidewalks to Centennial Park.

To my friends in Central Saanich and on the lower island, the developer wolves are at your door. They articulate a virtuous story of community benefit and free amenities, but the reality is they are there for profit – not seniors, not your community and certainly not for you – and not for responsible municipal council decision-making.

Don’t make the same mistakes as Victorians have – adhere to your official community plan – don’t turn a blind eye, the wolves are indeed in your neighbourhood and at your door.

Steve Orcherton
