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Reader disputes animal athlete claim

Opinion piece on rodeo was out of place on editorial page

Re: Cruelty in the eye of the beholder (Our View, May 14)

I was disappointed to read this article on the editorial page. I understand that horseback riding, ranching and farming has been, and still is, a staple of life in rural areas and that this provides many of us with food for our tables.

What I don’t understand is how wrenching a young calf running at a full gallop off its feet with a rope around its neck can be called “sport.” I don’t believe that these young cows are in any way “professional athletes” as you ridiculously claim.

Just because something has always been done, it doesn’t mean it isn’t time for a change. I did not attend the Luxton rodeo.

By the way, I noticed that no one from your newspaper claimed this article as their own. I wonder if perhaps they were ashamed?

Debbie Abraham


(Editor’s note: Editorials in this newspaper are unsigned, but are considered the opinion of the newspaper)