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Stores exist to sell goods, not collect for charity

Charities' tactics anger reader, donations unlikely

Re: Tired of donating at the cash register (Letters, March 2)

I, too, am tired of dodging buskers, the homeless and youth organizations outside retail stores.

Nor, am I polite when asked for charitable donations at the checkout. Last Christmas, I left $300 worth of merchandise at the till when asked for a $2 charitable donation. I told the clerk, the manager and a long line of shoppers I would return to the store when they were back in the business of selling merchandise, rather than panhandling for charity.

I question the integrity of liquor stores and their employees when they ask for donations for a dry grad. Most high school students are 18 years old, under the legal age to purchase alcohol. Donating to a dry grad reminds me of paying a burglar not to rob your home.

Gone are the days when youth organizations cut lawns or shovelled snow to earn money. Today they want donations, not jobs.

As a baby boomer, I will likely be working two years longer to receive old age security, the government’s donation to seniors. Charities will have a long wait to receive money from me.

Marlene Lewis
