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Too-general resolutions can be easily broken

Editorial discouraging new year's resolutions makes sense

Re: Resolve not to make resolutions (Our View, Dec. 24)

Hopeful new year’s resolutions? Bah humbug!

Without fail, at the beginning of a new year, we set ourselves up for failure by making resolutions.

Perhaps one reason for the futility of such resolutions is they are expressed in such general terms as to be open to procrastination and ensuing personal disappointment at their non-accomplishment.

Commendable intentions such as losing weight, spending more time with family, quitting smoking, etc. are familiar new year’s resolutions that are often broken, leaving behind a sense of misgiving and despondency.

It’s been said that a new year’s resolution is something that “goes in one year and out the other.”

But Oscar Wilde maybe said it best: “Good resolutions are simply cheques that men draw on a bank where they have no account.”

E.W. Bopp
