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Voting doesn’t help predicament, reader says

Voters have little impact on the flawed civil service system

Re: Political raises should have more oversight (Letters, Sept. 14)

The writer made some very interesting remarks and viewpoints on civil servants, local government workers etc., which I too am fed up and angry with.

Ms. Sheridan shares my disillusion with voting. I simply will no longer vote for a system geared to no changes ever, empty promises aimed to collect votes from the poor, needy, homeless – always at election time.

It is appalling, disgusting and way, way beyond humour that there are people voting and collecting copious salaries – and with no job title. Where do I start my application? How about this one: “Help-out guy, can do some stuff, maybe, leave message, does three-day work week, four hours daily – requires $70,000 annually, medical, dental and this year’s BMW for start.”

That’s my job description from here on in. I deserve it, don’t I?

I sincerely doubt that Christy Clark has ever endured a five-week month, existing off margarine and sugar sandwiches, with only ice cubes in the refrigerator. I am on disability, making $950 monthly. No telephone, no cable, no car, no pet. I am 56 and worked 22 years commercial fishing – taxed to death. I pay $750 for a one-room bachelor suite and have nothing to show for my life.

I am finished with voting for good. So please don’t tell me that voting works. I have voted since I was 19 and look where it’s gotten me. If everyone stood together and either refused to vote, or had a national non-voter day, the sheer number of people would have to be addressed with change.

Eddie Kirmzee
