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LETTER: Sooke is full

LETTER: Sooke is full

The small businesses owned by our neighbours are being replaced by big-box stores
LETTER: Vaccine skeptic a poor choice for B.C. Conservatives health critic

LETTER: Vaccine skeptic a poor choice for B.C. Conservatives health critic

Anna Kindy contends that vaccine refusal is a personal choice
LETTER: Saanich should find new life for library building and plantings

LETTER: Saanich should find new life for library building and plantings

There's a distinct lack of public spaces in the area for Saanich residents to use
LETTER: Transparency lacking with North Saanich council

LETTER: Transparency lacking with North Saanich council

Coffee house meeting failed to address residents' concerns
LETTER: Political priorities out of whack

LETTER: Political priorities out of whack

Canada's prime minister skipped the world climate conference to go see Taylor Swift
LETTER: Greater Victoria residents can do their part to fight climate change

LETTER: Greater Victoria residents can do their part to fight climate change

Rich countries want to keep their luxuries despite the consequences to the environment.
LETTER: Oak Bay traffic changes aim to cause congestion

LETTER: Oak Bay traffic changes aim to cause congestion

The realignment of the Cadboro Bay Road and Thompson intersection makes no sense
LETTER: Protected lanes proven to keep Greater Victoria cyclists safer

LETTER: Protected lanes proven to keep Greater Victoria cyclists safer

Study looking at 12 U.S. cities found that cities with protected bike lanes had 44% fewer traffic deaths than those which did not
LETTER: Sooke must protect Broom Hill from development

LETTER: Sooke must protect Broom Hill from development

A rezoning application was put up at the Broom Hill trailhead at the top of Blanchard Road recently
LETTER: Quadra-McKenzie plan paves the way to better future for Saanich

LETTER: Quadra-McKenzie plan paves the way to better future for Saanich

Reallocating space to bus lanes, active transportation lanes, and wider sidewalks with ample shade trees is needed for Saanich