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LETTER: Boost of fossil fuels will carry heavy cost to B.C.

LETTER: Boost of fossil fuels will carry heavy cost to B.C.

It is unfortunate to again read a letter praising the expansion of fossil fuels in B.C.
LETTER: Saanich should rethink elimination of open forum

LETTER: Saanich should rethink elimination of open forum

Development industry had been lobbying to remove vast swathes of public hearings
LETTER: Oak Bay deer should be transported to rural areas

LETTER: Oak Bay deer should be transported to rural areas

It’s just a matter of time before an unsuspecting elderly person or young one is seriously injured by a deer
LETTER: Clearing the air about backyard burning in Sooke

LETTER: Clearing the air about backyard burning in Sooke

Bylaw requires burning to be at least 20 feet from the property lines
LETTER: B.C. needs another medical school

LETTER: B.C. needs another medical school

Quebec trains roughly twice as many doctors per capita as B.C.
LETTER: Victoria cycling curbs an accident waiting to happen

LETTER: Victoria cycling curbs an accident waiting to happen

In response to the letter to the editor by Steven Hickton from Saanich. Thank you for writing, Steven. First of all, I am saddened to hear of your horrific accident of Sept. 27. How painful to hear of your injuries.
LETTER: Victoria's raked leaves left blowing in the wind

LETTER: Victoria's raked leaves left blowing in the wind

The city should stop the practice of leaf collection and encourage residents to let the leaves lie where they fall
LETTER: Saanich plan punishes drivers

LETTER: Saanich plan punishes drivers

Draft Quadra McKenzie Plan will create traffic congestion
LETTER: Changing the channel on political ads

LETTER: Changing the channel on political ads

Over the last several months I’ve noticed the same political ad several times
WOLF: Mini 3 Musketeers still reign as best Halloween candy

WOLF: Mini 3 Musketeers still reign as best Halloween candy

COLUMN: Peanut butter cups, Snickers among title contenders