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Body found in Oak Bay in suspicious death case belonged to 33-year-old man

Body found in Oak Bay in suspicious death case belonged to 33-year-old man

Police are asking for video as they treat Steven Middleton’s death as suspicious
VIDEO: Police investigate body discovered in bushes in Oak Bay

VIDEO: Police investigate body discovered in bushes in Oak Bay

Police have determined that the man’s death was suspicious
PHOTOS: Greater Victoria Scouts document 8-day Yukon paddling trip

PHOTOS: Greater Victoria Scouts document 8-day Yukon paddling trip

Community, businesses and service groups help get kids on the river
Sale organized to support family of Oak Bay man killed on the job

Sale organized to support family of Oak Bay man killed on the job

Online fundraiser continues to support wife, 2 children
Photographer captures hints of aurora off Oak Bay shore

Photographer captures hints of aurora off Oak Bay shore

Share your images of Greater Victoria by emailing
Baby seal Bertha found in Oak Bay and now beefing up in rescue centre

Baby seal Bertha found in Oak Bay and now beefing up in rescue centre

Beaches become seal nurseries each summer, but a pup alone isn’t always in trouble
Greater Victoria library club helps kids battle ‘summer slide’ in literacy

Greater Victoria library club helps kids battle ‘summer slide’ in literacy

Free BC Summer Reading Club runs now through Sept. 5 for kids 12 and younger
Don’t leave dogs in hot cars, Oak Bay firefighters plead in short video

Don’t leave dogs in hot cars, Oak Bay firefighters plead in short video

Leave Sparky at home, with a friend or at least use dog mode
Oak Bay police hunt thief who took family's cargo e-bike valued at $10K

Oak Bay police hunt thief who took family's cargo e-bike valued at $10K

Stolen car also among 89 calls to Oak Bay cops last week
Cyclists plan 2nd critical mass ride to protest lack of Oak Bay bike lanes

Cyclists plan 2nd critical mass ride to protest lack of Oak Bay bike lanes

Ride assembles July 10 at Saanich entrance to University of Victoria