Peers Victoria is reaching out for help from the public to fundraise for a replacement van which will help provide outreach and support to vulnerable sex workers in the community.
After six years of nightly service, the organization’s current van is starting to fall apart and has become unreliable. To replace it, they are hoping to fundraise $125,000 – $65,000 to purchase a new van and $60,000 to retrofit it for their needs. The organization has already set aside $25,000.
The van provides food, harm reduction, clothing and other supplies directly to the organization’s clients in common areas such as Rock Bay, lower Government Street, parks, and in certain cases, private residences, serving an average of 18 people nightly.
Twenty-five per cent of the organization’s clients are unhoused and 38 per cent are Indigenous.
“The van helps pick up the slack in the parts of my life that have fallen apart,” said Sarah, whose last name was withheld, in a release.
Peers Victoria has been providing support to current and former sex workers since 1995 while also providing drop-in services, education and employment programs, and more.
Donations are being accepted through an online crowdfunding campaign,, and through cheques mailed to 1-744 Fairview Rd., Victoria, B.C., V9A 5T9.
For more information on Peers Victoria and its fundraiser, contact Gillie Easdon at
READ MORE: Victimization of sex workers by police ‘not irregular,’ Victoria advocacy group says
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