Highlands and the Capital Regional District are teaming up to enforce parking along Ross Durrance Road. The district is responding to resident and municipal concerns that vehicles parking on the pavement could inhibit emergency vehicles travelling the road. Alongside existing signs, lines will be painted on the road showing where vehicles are not allowed. Vehicles parked in prohibited areas may be subject to a tow. “Towing is a last resort,” said district administrator Chris Coates. “It’s the last thing we want to do. This has been very problematic.” Parking has been a growing issue on Ross Durrance Road, but Coates points out it is no longer just a summer issue. This year the district received complaints and concerns in the winter as well. “The population of the parks has really outgrown the parking lots,” said Jane Mendum, mayor of Highlands. “The parking at Pease Lake is very small and only allows for a couple of cars.” Along the road there are some areas where there is room for vehicles to park as well as the parking lot at Mount Work Park.