Oak Bay police received a report of two youths smoking drugs at Fireman’s Park adjacent to the police station on Jan. 11. Officers found two teens and could smell freshly smoked marijuana. Both were detained and provided with their Charter of Rights. Incident to lawful arrest, a purse was searched and police seized a glass marijuana pipe and zigzag papers. Since they were minors, the parents were contacted and they picked their children up at the Oak Bay Police Department.
Sobering night on Estevan
A man spent the night in cells after being picked up Jan. 10 in Oak Bay. Police were called for a report of an intoxicated male laying on the ground in the 2500 block of Estevan Avenue. He was taken to cells to sober up overnight and released in the morning.
Navigational thefts from boats
Navigation equipment was reported swiped sometime over the past month. Discovered Jan. 11, someone had two compasses stolen from two boats stored on the dry dock area of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club. Both are described as a Velocitek worth about $1,300 US. A third compasss, a Tacktick T070 Racemaster worth about $850 US, was discovered stolen between Dec. 26 and Jan. 11.
The next day, Oak Bay police received another theft complaint from the Royal Victoria Yacht Club. A 2016 black 2.5/ 4-stroke Suzuki outboard engine, worth about $700, was stolen from the dry dock sometime between Dec. 3 and 16, 2017.
Graffiti stop leads to fireworks bust
In the early morning hours Sunday (Jan. 14) while on routine patrol, Oak Bay police spotted a graffiti tag “XAV” painted in gold on the north gates in the 3500 block of Beach Drive.
Around 3 a.m. as police members cleared from the graffiti incident, they saw three youths walking northbound in the same area. The youths admitted to lighting off fireworks and voluntarily surrendered their fireworks. The fireworks were seized along with a large box of matches. A parent was contacted and he confirmed they were not allowed to be out at that time of the night. They returned home to their parents.
Sleepy warrant arrest
Police noted a vehicle parked at Cattle Point with two people sleeping at the rear of the vehicle Sunday (Jan. 14) around 3 a.m. A licence plate query on the police data system showed an endorsed warrant for Failing to Comply with an Undertaking for the registered owner. The owner was found in the vehicle, arrested and released on a Promise to Appear to attend court at a later date.
The registered owner was also flagged by the Motor Vehicle Branch to be issued a Prohibition Notice until August of 2018. The Prohibition Notice was served.
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