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Bike lanes on Lochside deter pedestrians

With lack of sidewalks, cyclists should be respectful of other users of roadway

I live on Lochside Drive in Central Saanich and like many of my neighbours, I like to walk and enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery.

Lochside is part of the Galloping Goose Trail and as such we have lanes on both sides of the road. With no sidewalks, we have to walk in these lanes. On the pavement is painted a diamond for restricted use, and a bicycle, and no indication is given that the lanes can and should be used by people who wish to walk, jog, skateboard etc.

It is great that so many cyclists are using them, but some I have encountered really believe the lanes are for them only. In the past few months I have been told by cyclists to get out of their lane and in many cases had to move into the ditch or get hit.

The problem seems to be getting much worse as there seems to be many more cyclists, especially  on weekends. I have neighbors who tell me they are too scared to walk for fear of getting hit.

If a diamond and a bicycle can be painted in these lanes, why couldn’t a person walking be also painted there to advise cyclists they have to share the lanes?

Hopefully Central Saanich councillors can come up with a solution.

David C. Petroski
