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Foul Bay Road a traffic trouble spot

Not only deer are at risk on Oak Bay/Victoria border

Re: Deer sign receives thumbs-down from council (News, Oct. 23)

Marion Cumming’s idea to slow down traffic on the south section of Foul Bay Road with the installation of a deer crossing sign should be reconsidered by council.

However, as a Foul Bay resident and longtime advocate for some measure to slow traffic here, I have become convinced that neither council nor the engineering department have the slightest interest in traffic calming measures.

After all, that would require a decision.

My neighbours and I have asked for a crosswalk, signs, an extension of the bicycle lanes installed by Victoria between Fairfield and Richardson – any one or all of these. But it appears that moving the ever-increasing traffic at an accelerating pace takes precedence over safety and the quality of life.

There have been three recent accidents suffered by neighbours already at the junction of Granite and Foul Bay. Pedestrians using this legal crossing are at great risk because no one obeys the speed limit.

We have little doubt that the occurrence of a fatal event is only a matter of time.

David Williams

Oak Bay