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Labour-saving machines bound to create noise

Reader would rather take advantage of technology and suffer through volume

Re: Noisy leaf blowers residents’ bane (Letters, Nov. 15)

Leaf blowers. lawnmowers, pressure washers, table saws and other noisy machines are all tools used to effectively reduce labour-intensive jobs.

No one likes the noise, which seems to be an unavoidable result of using these tools.

We all put up with the noise for the same reason we put up with taxes. It’s necessary.

The advocate of banning leaf blowers is welcome to rake my lawn, cut my grass with a push mower and hand-brush the moss off my driveway.  I’ll understand if he turns down my offer, as he’s likely too busy raking his leaves, push mowing his lawn and hand-brushing the moss off his driveway.

You do these things, don’t you?

John Phillips

Oak Bay