Re: Budget priorities favour jets over jobs and seniors: Savoie (News, June 10)
Denise Savoie has just been selected as the new deputy speaker of the house. I thought her views would surely reflect the unbiased nature of her new job.
She advised us of a rumoured cut in civilian personel of 2,000 at military bases, pointing out that is the number of personel at CFB Esquimalt. It appears that all their jobs are on the line and should be a great cause of concern. Other gems of enlightment are the evil corporate tax cut which will rob CFB Esquimalt of needed revenue, and a measly $300-million addition to the GIS.
Wow, how could I have been so woefully unaware of the true condition of our country? My wife and I have enjoyed a wonderful life here, worked hard, raised four children, saved for our retirement and felt we had a wonderful life in a great country. Obviously from Savoie’s comments our governments are and have been very ignorant, greedy, self centered and out of touch with the people.
We shall change our attitudes now that we understand what is really going on thanks to Savoie and live a life of complaining, and demand that the government take care of our every imagined need. We shall waste our pension savings on luxury trips and sporting events and die sick and miserable but we will be wiser.
Ted Lavallee