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Pharmacists’ reputation smeared by homeopathy

Dubious effectiveness of remedy besmirches pharmacists' names, reader writes

Re: Pharmacies should not sell tobacco products

If pharmacists shouldn’t be allowed to sell tobacco products in their pharmacies, then by the same reasoning they should be prevented from selling homeopathic “medicine.”

Homeopathic “medicines” have been diluted to the point that often not a single molecule of the supposed active ingredient is left.

Medicine without an active ingredient is not medicine at all. It is hope without any justification sold at a high profit margin.

Illusionist James Randi often takes an entire box of homeopathic sleeping pills at once in his shows, of course with no ill effect.

I hope no one is taking homeopathic “medicine” when they need real medicine, or spending money they can ill afford on a substance with no actual active ingredient.

Pharmacists are supposed to be trusted professionals. How can we trust them when they sell nonsense like homeopathy? Some say they just sell what the public wants. The public wants all sorts of silly things.

Are they going to be selling ground up bear gall bladder and rhinoceros horn next? Or perhaps they can bring in psychic healers instead of influenza vaccines?

Pharmacists could also perhaps bring in tarot card readers to counsel customers on their medications.

Or they can stop selling homeopathic products and stay with the science-based medicine.

Michael Davey
