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Victoria council must prioritize Bay bridge upgrades

Improving Victoria's Bay Street bridge pedestrian experience important

Re: 11th Hour Musings, (News, Feb. 24)

As a senior and resident of Vic West, I have occasion to walk the Bay Street bridge to access such wonderful places as the Turkish deli at Douglas and Bay streets, or Romeo’s restaurant at Rock Bay  and Gorge roads.

The view from the bridge of the west shore is really quite beautiful, but not a place one should tarry, given such a narrow pedestrian space with traffic whizzing by. I would hope the city would consider bumping up pedestrian improvements on the Bay Street/Point Ellice Bridge as a priority for the next round of budgetary talks.

There will always be ‘more important’ financial issues to be addressed, but with one major artery (bridge) under construction, improvements in pedestrian access benefits both the community (healthy walks) and the environment (reduced motor traffic).

Beth Smith
