Tofino: First Nation artist donates sculpture to Park Reserve
Hjalmer Wenstob gifted a carving of an orca dorsal fin to Parks Canada, commemorating the Pacific Rim Whale Festival. Watch more >
Osoyoos: A 36-foot willow root pulled from drain
City offficials decided to call in the pros to get to to the bottom of a storm drain problem in Osoyoos. The problem? A 500-pound willo root 36 feet in length. Watch more >
Canada: Jogging and picking up litter come together in ‘plogging’
As the spring thaw lays bare the discarded waste of winter, many Canadian fitness enthusiasts are combining the endorphin rush of jogging with the environmental benefits of picking up trash. Watch more >
Burns Lake: Building log houses no easy task
A new training centre near Burns Lake is giving forest industry professionals a chance to learn first-hand how to build log houses. Watch more >
(Winter is turning to spring in some B.C. communities, but in Burns Lake, those in the forest industry welcomed a new centre that’ll teach workers how to build log homes, in the snow.)
Vancouver: New resident a pro with the camera
A new resident octopus at Vancouver Aquarium got her chance in the spotlight with a go-pro. Watch more >