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Romancing the medieval

Imagine a world plagued by disease and war where you were considered lucky to make it past age 35.

It may sound like something out of Terminator but it's what was life was like in medieval Britain. Life was "nasty, brutish and short," but citizens in European and Islamic countries turned to literature for solace.

On Feb. 5, the University of Victoria's medieval studies department hosts a one-day series of workshops discussing medieval life and books. "Everyday Life in Scotland During the Viking Age," "Abelard and Heloise: Lovers in a dangerous time," and "Christine de Pizan, the first man of letters" are three of six presentations being offered at the event.

It happens in Room B150 of the Bob Wright Centre. Tickets are $56 and can be purchased online, at the door or by telephone at 250-472-4747.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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