One additional operating room has been re-opened at Victoria General Hospital and one at Royal Jubilee Hospital, which means 20 of the 22 operating rooms in the two hospitals are now in operation full-time.
The rooms opened up Oct. 30, according to Island Health, and will be able to support approximately 10 cases per day.
Approximately 75 more operations will also be completed in November, said Island Health, as 15 additional days of operating room time have been added on an ad-hoc basis.
Since September, approximately 105 more people have had their surgeries completed as Island Health has added 27 days of operating room time.
Over the last two months, eight beds have been added to the Royal Jubilee Hospital surgical short-stay unit along with six post-surgical beds. During this time Island Health says they have phoned every nurse on the casual list or those who had recently left their role to explore possibilities of taking on shifts.
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