Editor’s note: This article contains details about experiences at residential schools in B.C. and may be upsetting to readers.
Three prominent Vancouver Island Indigenous leaders are raising funds to search the Island’s five residential schools with the same technology used to discover the mass grave site in Kamloops last week.
Tired of waiting on the federal government to take action, filmmaker and journalist Steve Sxwithul’txw, renowned carver Tom LaFortune and educator and producer Michelle Mundy launched a GoFundMe campaign Tuesday to purchase their own searching technology. As of Wednesday morning, the fundraiser has raised more than $28,000, surpassing its original goal of $25,000.
This is the amount Sxwithul’txw estimates they will need to buy one ground-penetrating radar unit. The units consist of a small antenna shaped like a box, which is dragged along the surface of the ground while sending a signal into the soil. If the soil has been disturbed, as it would have been to dig graves, the unit’s signal will change.
Steve Sxwithul'txw is a journalist, filmmaker and residential school survivor. (Black Press Media file photo) |
“It’s about helping our ancestors,” said Sxwithul’txw, a survivor of the Kuper Island Residential School. “They have been pushed aside in unmarked graves in places they never wanted to go to in the first place. It’s heartbreaking.”
On Tuesday, former senator and chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Murray Sinclair issued a statement saying that more mass grave sites will be found.
“Survivors talked about children who suddenly went missing. Some talked about children who went missing into mass burial sites. Some survivors talked about infants who were born to young girls at the residential schools, infants who had been fathered by priests, were taken away from them and deliberately killed – sometimes thrown into furnaces, we were told,” he said.
For Sxwithul’txw, the next step is engaging with the different First Nations where the residential school properties are located.
“The focus for us is on getting these young children back where they belong,” he said.
READ ALSO: Gitksan grandmother says Canadians need to face the whole truth about residential schools
Despite the renewed pain and anger of the last week, Sxwithul’txw said he’s feeling hopeful. Based on the messages he has received, he believes many of the GoFundMe donations have come from non-Indigenous people who want to do something to help.
“I think these next couple of years are going to be country changing,” he said. “I think we’re seeing the cusp of something much, much bigger and the realization that Canada has failed First Nations in more than one way – they’ve taken our lives.”
Sxwithul’txw said he’s talking with a number of experts, figuring out how they can go about their search, and that he’ll be updating donors along the way. On Vancouver Island, there are 202 children known to have died at five residential schools, although the Truth and Reconciliation Commission estimates the number is actually far higher. These are their names.
Kuper Island Residential School – Penelakut Island (1890-1975)
Adelina Paul
Adeline Celestine Jones
Alfred William
Allen Jameson
Aloysius Daniel
Aloysius Wilson
Amanda Frenchie
Amanda James
Amos Johnson
Andrew Joseph
Angus Crocker
Anna Amie
Annie Pappenburger
Annie Tommy
August Jimmy
August Tseleokanum
Belinda Marie Jack
Bernadette Thomas
Beverly Joseph
Bob Pierre
Caroline Felix
Caroline Jacob
Caroline Williams
Catherine Jacob
Catherine Johnny
Catherine Tom
Celina Thomas
Charlie Bob
Christine Harry
Clothilda Willie
Cosmas Ya-Epoutle
Delphina Theoqualt
Donalda Philip
Eddie Bob
Edgar Basil
Eline Frenchie
Eliza Louis
Eliza Page
Elizabeth Smith
Ellen Casimir
Ellen Moses
Elmer Hardy
Emile Keith
Emily Peter
Emma Williams
Etienne Harry
Eva Hall
Everest Alex George
Felix Antoine
Francois Johnny
Frank Johnny
George Baptist
George George
George Moses (Kuper Island)
Harold Araneda
Harry Johnny
Henry Johnny
Henry Willie
Herbert Gabourie
Ida Tom
Jasper Mitchell
Jeannen Joe
Jim Baptist
Joe Edwards
John Baptist Jim
Johnny Jack
Joseph Basil
Joseph Jacob
Josephine Jacob
Josephine Norris
Jules Tseleskampten
Lena Ruben
Lilly Leo Charlie
Lizzie Johnny
Lizzie Joseph Edward
Louisa Williams
Lucy O’Sheam
Lucy Peter Norris
Mabel Moses
Maggie Bob
Margaret Louis
Maria Mclean
Marie Thorne
Martha Phillip
Mary Agnes Johnston
Mary Josie Siah
Mildred James
Modest Kosteinagant
Moise Jim
Nelson Sophy
Norma Pauline Frank
Norman Clarence Aleck
P. Williams (Kuper Island)
Patricia Marilyn Joseph
Patrick Joe
Peter Siah
Philip Jack
Pierre Bob
Raymond A. Brown
Richard Thomas
Rosalie Moses
Rosalina Johnny
Rosy Michael David
Samuel Anghame
Samuel Whonock
Simon Gontek
Simon Tom
Sophie Baptist
Sophie Casimir
Sophie Joseph
Stanley Frank
Stanley Paul
Theophane Johnny
Thomas Jim
Tommy Aleck
Vera Underwood
Verneda David
Veronica Classetow Canute
William Jones
William Peter
Willie Henry
St. Michaels Residential School – Alert Bay (1894 -1974)
Andrea Helen Alfred
Alfred McKay
Douglas Benson
Eva George
George L. Humchitt
Jackie Archie James
Lucy Gordon
Molly Irene Moon
Reggie Allan
Samson Edgar
Samson Harris
Sophia Edgar
Thomas Mason
May Nysok
Christie Residential School – Tofino/Meares Island (1900 -1983)
Adolph Maurus
Agnes Amos
Alice George
Anderson Sye
Andrew Tom
Catherine Marshall
Cecil Williams
Clara Andrew
Dolores George
George Johnson
James Louie George
Jessie Lucas
Joan Manson
Joseph Ignace
Lawrence Thompson
Lorena Thomas
Mary Vincent
Moses Tom
Pearl Michael
Rose Johnson
Samson Mclean
Stanley Joseph
Thomas Campbell
Alberni Residential School – Port Alberni (1900 -1973)
Annie Jack
Bertha Fred
Cyril Mussel
Dalton Silver
David Thomas
Edward Thompson
Gary Hopkins
Gary James Hopkins
Gary Ross
Gerald Wilson
Herb Robert Green
Ivan Wilson
Jack Williams
Katie Taylor
Lily Peal Smith
Maisie Shaw
Mary Bob
Mary Elaine George
Mary Taylor
Maud Jackson
Mitchell Joseph
Nellie Kiutesi
Norman Bob
Ramona Taylor
Shirley Leslie Williams
Taylor Santo
Theodore Mckay
Violet McKay
Virginia Moses
Yinnito Taylor
Ahousaht Residential School – Ahousaht Island (1904 -1940)
Bella Peter
Carrie George
Dora Noshkepy
Edward Arnold
Emil Howard
Frank Ubaldus
George Quisot
Katie Manulth
May Harris
Sophie Noothlenu
Tillian Mckay
William Maquina
The GoFundMe, called Find Our Lost Children, can be found at gofundme.com.
Residential school survivors who need support can call the National Indian Residential School Crisis Line at 1-866-925-4419.
-With files from The Canadian Press
Do you have a story tip? Email: jane.skrypnek@blackpress.ca.
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