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Harbour area should be given top priority in OCP discussion

People need to tell council what they feel is important, at Wednesday public hearing

The editorial “Remove veil from public land sales” (Our View, May 16) was appropriate, all the more since the two new developments cited involve the harbour, the crown jewel for the Greater Victoria area.

The waterfront area, defining the area’s history and character and attracting tourism, is suited to special events like Symphony Splash. Its land is desirable for citizens to use and developers to gain great profits. Keeping a balance remains important for the future.

The draft Official Community Plan, which comes to public hearing tonight (June 27), has the harbour in third place on the list of planning priorities, along with the Hillside Corridor. Apparently, the ranking reflects the lower number of developments expected.

The harbour as a unique natural inheritance is more significant than built areas, which could be found in other cities. Precious and size-limited, the harbour’s context needs watching; a few wrong developments could mar the whole. Let’s “celebrate our harbour” by telling council that it deserves first place and re-examination of the existing Harbour Plan.

Mary Doody Jones
