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Lobby politicians on climate action

Environmental bills continue to get short shrift at parliament

Re: Climate change made simple – the solutions are trickier (

The trick is taking these great action items from Tom Pederson and getting politicians to take action on them. As citizens of a democracy, we need to speak up and demand that our politicians take action on climate change.

At some point, we lost our connection to our representatives. They don’t hear what the people they represent are saying.

Many Canadians agree that climate change should be the top priority of the government.

Yet, how many environmental bills have been shot down? Will they shoot down the Climate Change Accountability Act again? Is this what they call representing their constituency?

Like (climate change activist group) Citizens Climate Lobby, we should each reach out to our politicians and ask them to be serious about implementing environmental policies.

Tell them that if they are truly representing their constituency, they need to take action now.

No more stalling. No more delaying. No more misinformation. Make it happen. It’s your job.

Amar Kumar

Etobicoke, Ont.