Re: Dog companion a B.C. standout (News, May 11)
Congratulations to Ivana Halliday for her well-deserved recognition as the BC SPCA’s volunteer of the year.
Halliday’s dedication and commitment to the dogs at the Victoria shelter have helped so many of them find new families and the happy, safe and content lives that they deserve.
As a former dog walker, I remember the first time I saw her at the shelter. It was a rainy, cold, windy December morning and the dogs, after being inside all night, excitedly wagged their tails with a “pick me!” expression.
Halliday encouraged the morning team, everyone laughed and smiled at her energy. And yes, the dogs had a long morning walk in spite of the elements, ensuring that they had social interaction, so important to prepare for adoption.
While being a dog walker, I had a chance to get to know and observe the people who work at and take their time to volunteer at this truly special and compassionate organization.
I am proud to live in Victoria for many reasons, one of them due to its well- known reputation for being a leader in the adoption of abandoned, lost and abused animals.
Sincere thanks to Halliday and the other volunteers for their ongoing time and effort to ensure that these dogs are kept as mentally, emotionally and physically healthy as possible during their time at the shelter.
Cindy Trytten