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Oak Bay wants to award noteable new-builds, renovations

Allan Cassidy award nominations deadline extended
Previous Allan Cassidy awards winners include 2092 Marne Street. (Submitted photo)

Oak Bay hopes to have more input from the public when it garners award-worthy streetscape submissions this fall.

The district is gathering Allan Cassidy Recognition of Renovation and Building Achievement Award nominations, last handed out in 2013.

Former Oak Bay councillor Allan Cassidy spurred the start of the program in 2004. The awards to recognize notable new buildings and renovations that enhance the community were later named in his honour.

“The key think is that it’s contributing to the streetscape,” said Graeme Buffett, planning technician, putting the call out for public input. “We’re trying to open this up more, previously it’s been kind of a staff review.”

The nominations are fairly open, with no categories and up to four awards issued – and include residential, commercial or institutional (such as schools, churches, meeting places) properties. Construction of eligible projects must be completed 14 months prior to the presentation of the award, allowing landscaping to mature.

Previous awards have varied, from character to modern

The district advertised this summer to garner some outside input on new and interesting buildings in the community, and opted to extend the deadline for nominations.

“We really wanted to get the public involved,” said Deborah Jensen, municipal planner. “This list the community taking pride of ownership.”

Unlike many an award out there for design, these awards – usually a pen-and-ink drawing of the property and a letter of appreciation from mayor and council – are presented to the owners. Anyone can nominate a project. Selected nominations are circulated to the Advisory Design Panel to review, discuss and visit for potential awards.

Submit nominations to and include Allan Cassidy Awards in the subject line. A nomination should include the address of the property and when possible a picture. Nominations can also be submitted in person at municipal hall 2167 Oak Bay Ave.

Deadline is Oct. 23 at 4:30 p.m.



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Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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