For years we’ve had take-out pizza, but now it’s the preferred option. In this season of COVID-19, if you want a burger and fries, your only choice is drive-through service. The same is true for your favorite cup of coffee.
But a drive-by blessing for motorcycles? Why not?
That was the thought of Tony Brooks and his helpers at Knox Presbyterian Church in Sooke on May 9.
Bikers were invited to ride a set route in small groups and arrive single file along Church Road to Knox Presbyterian Church where they were asked for a donation to the Sooke Food Bank and handed a laminated blessing produced by Heather and Mark Southam.
Heather Southam gave a virtual blessing on YouTube ( in advance.
As long as bikers rode single file, the bikes would give proper distancing and bikers’ face shields offered added safety.
The church parking lot was closed off in case a few chose to meet in person, allowing plenty of room for distancing.
The stage was set, but would anyone come?
Numbers were down considerably but the few who did ride enjoyed a beautiful day and the opportunity to connect with an established community of riders and make a donation to the food bank.
– contributed by Harold McNabb
ALSO READ: Food bank sets up new protocols for donations
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