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Donations pour in for B.C. dog’s surgery after hit-and-run

Dog owner exhausted with happiness after people come through with the help she needed this week
The surgery for 10-month old pup Noir is Friday at Menzies Pet Hospital in Chilliwack, to rebuild the bone with pins, and save the shattered leg. People of Chilliwack and beyond donated money by the hundreds to pay for the vet bill, and Noir’s owners are overjoyed. (Submitted)

Candace Meadows was beyond distraught Sunday when her young dog, Noir, went missing.

The Chilliwack woman posted pictures of the beautiful 10-month-old sheltie-pitbull pup swimming and playing in the hopes someone had seen her.

Meadows remembered she had woken up suddenly from a deep sleep, and yelled to her daughter, “Where’s Noir?”

The dog was nowhere to be found after escaping from their yard — again.

It turned out the friendly jet-black pup had been struck the day before by a hit-and-run driver, severely injured, and left to die.

The family found her under a tarp Monday at 10 p.m. whimpering and shivering in the dark. They figure she had crawed under a neighbour’s trailer after being hit.

“We found her and took her to vet hospital where her leg was dangling, all muscles torn and her femur smashed,” said Meadows.

The tricky surgery set for Friday morning at Menzies Pet Hospital, in which a specialist surgeon will rebuild the bone with pins, and save the shattered leg.

Meadows said the accident marked a triple whammy in her life: Cancer, broken ankle and now their dog had been hit by a car.

For the mom of two, who had just been declared cancer-free a few weeks ago, the vet bill of about $3,000 was more than she could afford.

So she took a big chance, went online, and asked for help.

“I placed a prayer stone on Noir’s collar that night. I thought here goes nothing and went to sleep,” she said. “When I woke up and there were so many messages and offers of help!”

They’ve collected $2,600 so far, with more coming in, including people who called the vet on their own accord to help pay the bill.

The outpouring of support from local Facebook groups has been unbelievable, and Meadows is feeling very grateful for the turn of events.

“I don’t have words but I have to say I’m completely blown away,” she said. “Every time I think about it, I can’t believe it. When you ask for assistance, you put yourself out there for a lot of scrutiny.”

But instead, there has not been even one negative comment — only an express desire to help.

Strangers are rushing to donate, as well as family and friends.

“I am exhausted with happiness. With my newfound health, I am motivated to hit the ground running. Because of this, we will use our lives to give back in whatever tiny way we can.”



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The surgery for 10-month old pup Noir is Friday at Menzies Pet Hospital in Chilliwack, to rebuild the bone with pins, and save the shattered leg. (Submitted)

Jennifer Feinberg

About the Author: Jennifer Feinberg

I have been a Chilliwack Progress reporter for 20+ years, covering city hall, Indigenous, business, and climate change stories.
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