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Premier John Horgan unveils more affordable housing in Langford

Project includes 36 daycare spaces on site
Joelle Schnurch and her daughter Blakelee were welcomed to their new affordable rental housing home in Langford by Premier John Horgan. (Rick Stiebel/News staff)

Rick Stiebel/News staff

A steady drizzle didn’t dampen the enthusiasm on Friday for the announcement of a new project in Langford that will provide more affordable housing units.

Premier John Horgan announced an additional 80 units for Phase 2 of the Oak Park redevelopment in the 600-block of Goldstream Avenue on the day the 73 units in Phase 1 were officially opened.

Horgan said the project is part of the provincial government’s commitment to addressing the housing crisis by investing $1.9 billion in the next 10 years to build 14,000 affordable rental homes for middle-income families, seniors and people with low incomes. The first set of projects announced on Nov. 13 includes 4,902 homes in 42 communities to be built during the next two to three years.

READ MORE: Province provides funding for Oak Park redevelopment

“This will provide an opportunity for people to live, work and play in Langford,” Horgan said. “Mayor Stew Young and council have built a community with all of the amenities in place for families and put affordability front and centre.”

The inclusion of 36 affordable daycare spaces is an added benefit that will enable parents to spend more quality time with their children, Horgan added.

Young called the announcement another great day for Langford. “This means more opportunities for people and families in our community,” he said. “I want to thank the provincial government, our council, staff and everyone involved in the project. The provincial government is well on the path to addressing affordable housing.”

The province invested $15.5 million in capital costs towards the Oak Park project. The Investment in Housing Innovation program contributed $7.5 million for Phase 1, and $8 million for Phase 2 came from the Building BC Community Housing Fund. Langford contributed $788,065 in municipal fees and tax reductions, and $100,000 from its affordable housing fund.

READ MORE: Pacifica Housing adding 150 units of affordable housing to Langford

Joelle Schnurch and her 10-year-old daughter, Blakelee, were excited to be able to move into their new home in Phase 1. “It’s a dream come true,” Schnurch said. “Everything is brand new and beautiful and affordable. It will mean more time together for our family.”

Young also thanked Pacifica Housing executive director Dean Fortin for his efforts on the project, and the work he has done in addressing affordable housing throughout the region. Oak Park is one of 26 subsidized housing developments in the Capital Region and Nanaimo operated by Pacifica Housing providing affordable housing for low-income families, seniors and people with disabilities.

The daycare spaces in Phase 2, which will be operated by Atira Women’s Resource Centre, will consist of full-time spaces for 12 infants and toddlers, and 24 spaces for children between three and five years of age.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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