The decomposing remains of a black bear were discovered on a logging road off West Coast Road, east of Jordan River, on June 10.
Conservation officer Scott Norris said the bear remains were found during hunting season, and it’s likely the black bear was shot and killed legally.
“The couple of reports that came in were for the same bear parts. At this point we’re not seeing this as a problem,” Norris said.
The B.C. Conservation Service asks hunters to dispose their kill in a tasteful manner, usually in the bush where scavengers can take them. Norris said under the Wildlife Act, hunters can be charged with failing to take out all edible portions of wildlife.
Sooke resident Stephanie Kurske, who came across the remains, said finding the bear was a disturbing experience.
Kurske said parts of the body were removed, such as the feet. She speculates the bear may have been the victim of a poacher.
The skeleton was relatively small, said Kurske, believing the bear would have been fairly young and weighed around 100 lbs.
ALSO READ: Remains of four black bears, possibly cubs, found near Campbell River
The remains of four black bears were also found discarded on a logging road near Campbell River on May 26.
Conservation officer Ben York, in charge of the West Coast region for the Conservation Officer Service, said that the issue “is still under investigation” to find out what exactly happened to the four bears whose carcasses were found near Willis Road.
In B.C., black bear hunting takes place over two seasons, spring and fall. In the spring, between April 1 to June 15, black bears are hunted and harvested for food.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Report All Poachers and Polluters line at 1-877-952-7277.
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