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LETTER: Carbon free is a myth

I think I can see it all now. Totally carbon free atmosphere.

I think I can see it all now. Totally carbon free atmosphere.

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Windmills and solar panels plastering the face of our good earth, rivers and tides driving generators for light and for power to charge our batteries and heat and cool our homes. Sailing ships moving smoothly and steadily from sea to sea. Battery-powered locomotives and vehicles travelling newly constructed rail lines and roads. No airplanes. Battery-powered helium-filled airships gently soaring in the skies moving people and goods from one continent and country to another.

No more trees being cut, oil being pumped or metals being extracted from our ground.

What a wonderful world.

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Oh, one question. From what material will we make batteries, solar panels, windmills, generators, transmission lines, houses, warehouses, office buildings, roads, bridges, railroad tracks, ships, airships, cars and trucks, locomotives, tires, TVs, computers, appliances, clothes and shoes?

READ ALSO: Victoria council looks to self-impose carbon tax on staff airfare

Teachers should be prepared. One day soon some curious school kid is going to ask.

Graeme Roberts

Central Saanich

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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