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LETTER: Excavation work carries a cost to nature

I read with dismay that SD62 Superintendent Scott Stinson found it “’exciting’ to see the [new school] site has been levelled” on Skirt Mountain.

I read with dismay that SD62 Superintendent Scott Stinson found it “’exciting’ to see the [new school] site has been levelled” on Skirt Mountain.

READ ALSO: Bear Mountain land levelled for possible future school

Did he see that land before the levelling? Arbutus, Garry oak, maple and fir trees; camas and fawn lilies; shooting stars; miner’s lettuce; bumblebees; dragonflies; hummingbirds; chickadees; woodpeckers and innumerable more species lived on those six acres.

The birds, but not their nests or eggs, will look for new habitat. The others are annihilated.

People need connections with nature, ideally beginning in childhood. We are contributing to nature deficit disorder when we raze the life that once thrived on school grounds.

READ ALSO: UN report says nature is in worst shape in human history

We are contributing to the loss of biodiversity, and global warming, when we develop in such a disrespectful and expedient manner.

We are all dependent on this beautiful planet, and SD62 needs to come up with a better policy when it comes to building new schools.

READ ALSO: Sooke School District continues to grow

Ron Rayner


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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