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LETTER: It’s criminal to be a thief

It seems that some have learned that you can save 100 per cent while shopping. It’s called stealing. This is what happens when you “defund the police.”

It seems that some have learned that you can save 100 per cent while shopping. It’s called stealing. This is what happens when you “defund the police.”

Taxpaying seniors and business owners are getting fed up.

The public is showing its anger. Seniors are forced to deal with local crime while councillors turn a blind eye. Now, Up Island we are witnessing senior heroes who have jumped into action, due to council inaction.

Perhaps this will produce a local chapter of Walloping Walkers, The Punching Pensioners or Hell’s Elders. Expect lessons on how to lasso looters and how voters can untie the hands of the police who are underfunded.

The day will come when Walmart greeters will be replaced with aging Walmart beaters to help fight crime. Vigilantism grows in the shadows when crooks turn thieving into a way of living and honest shoppers pay the price.

Some local councillors believe their municipal mandate is to challenge the world order instead of protecting and caring for their own municipality.

Perhaps we need more councillors who are trained in martial arts instead of some who practise the art of manipulating social media.

Fortunately, some councillors will discover their elected position was only temporary. They didn’t learn that increasing crime statistics are bad for business and their future. For the police, fighting crime is a full-time job.

Art Bickerton


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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