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LETTER: Sidney has taken pandemic seriously

In the Aug 27 edition of the PNR, Denny Warner, executive director of the Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, stirred the pot with his comments about Sidney being smug.

In the Aug 27 edition of the PNR, Denny Warner, executive director of the Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, stirred the pot with his comments about Sidney being smug.

“Complacent days are over” and “the belief that Sidney was safe, lulled people into a false sense of security,” insult both residents and businesses of Sidney.

As a longtime member of Sidney’s vulnerable “higher than the national average” age group, I know I speak for many when I say how seriously we have taken COVID-19.

In the beginning, Sidney businesses were ahead of the pack in being proactive; many closing their doors, to protect themselves and the community.

When we got to the reopening stage, those same businesses were quick to implement all necessary precautions, both mandated and voluntary. I personally nudged two establishments on minor issues of oversight, and both immediately corrected them.

Citizens have been incredibly respectful and patient and an oft-heard comment was that if you weren’t showing such respect, you mustn’t be local.

I have a hard time understanding these comments from a community business leader. If Mr. Warner believes what he has said, where was that leadership through six months of complacency?

Ron Baker


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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