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Threats of dispair

The B.C. Liberals appear not only to be aligned with the Federal Conservatives, but mimic the Conservatives on economic growth

The B.C. Liberals appear not only to be aligned with the Federal Conservatives, but mimic the Conservatives on economic growth. Interviews and responses from the Premier and ministers is indistinguishable from the Prime Minister and federal ministers addressing health, education, economy, resource development.

The Liberals have sat in the legislature 37 days in the past year, another Conservative maneuver to erode democracy.

British Columbians have a crystal ball, just look to the federal government to see what is coming. People and environmental organizations are hinging hope on First Nations to slow down or stop this insanity for the gold rush mentality to extract resources at the destruction of water and land.

Government only plays lip service to engage First Nation communities and these discussions take place after many secret meetings with industry. In British Columbia, there are over 300 individual bands. Now these communities are being courted by industry bringing trinkets with promises of jobs for their people and money to improve their communities.

Governments are using this model to convince mainstream Canadians unless the gold rush extraction of resources takes place everyone can look forward to a hopeless future for youth, greater struggles for families and no care for the aging population.

We are standing witness to the Federal and Provincial Government threatening despair.

Jo-Anne Berezanski

North Saanichh


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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