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Saanich homebrewer turns beer into jellies

Saanich homebrewer turns beer into jellies

Tim Travis sells his wares - Jellied Ales - at Victoria's Oaklands Sunset Markets through the summer
HOMEFINDER: Tidy grounds make a good first impression

HOMEFINDER: Tidy grounds make a good first impression

Do it yourself or spend a little to clean up unruly yard
Undersea Gardens heads to scrap pile at Vic West shipyard

Undersea Gardens heads to scrap pile at Vic West shipyard

Innovative ideas to keep 50-year-old barge included floating liquor distillery and office space
Scientists rap Enbridge pipeline review

Scientists rap Enbridge pipeline review

Panel counted benefits from production, but not risks of consumption of heavy oil, Prime Minister Stephen Harper told
Port shipping may be crippled by tug boat strike

Port shipping may be crippled by tug boat strike

Unions representing tug crews, captains hold strike vote over Seaspan's new terms
CBC letter to Harper slams Tory attacks

CBC letter to Harper slams Tory attacks

CBC chair's 2010 letter to Harper slams Tory attacks on public broadcaster
MMBC recycling rival to target apartment niche

MMBC recycling rival to target apartment niche

Gap in Multi-Material BC coverage spawns 'cherry picking' proposal from StewardChoice Enterprises
'Zero gravity' floatation therapy arrives in Victoria

'Zero gravity' floatation therapy arrives in Victoria

Flotation therapy helps with physical and mental state in a tankful of water

B.C. teachers start rotating strikes

B.C. teachers strike as sides return to table in long-standing dispute
Canada clicks OK for use of airborne devices

Canada clicks OK for use of airborne devices

No more stowing of electronic devices during takeoff and landing, says Raitt