There was an unusually high amount of spandex in downtown Victoria Wednesday morning as officials and enthusiasts kicked off the six-week countdown to the 25th annual Bike To Work Week.
B.C. Minister of Transportation Claire Trevena cut the cake and began the celebrations.
“Bike to work week, or as I’ve been told, could be called bike to anything that you need to do week, really,” Trevena said. “People are starting to understand the many benefits of cycling… it saves money on gas, on parking, improves city traffic and improves health and fitness and it is just a good way to start right.”
Since the initiative launched in 1994, participation during the week and throughout the year has grown exponentially, with children and adults alike taking part.
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“Through these initiatives more than 14,000 new riders have been introduced to commuter cycling, and more than 100,000 cyclists have been engaged through events and education over the past 25 years,” said BC Green Party leader Andrew Weaver, who thanked the Greater Victoria Bike to Work Society. ” Bike To Work Week is an important gateway event to draw people into commuter cycling.”
The event has grown from 50 teams and 500 participants in Victoria, to over 800 teams and more than 7,000 participants in 2018.
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Teams can come together to try to win a friendly competition in riding the most kilometres, and most trips taken.
Between May 27 and June 2, celebration stations will be set up across Victoria to encourage new and veteran commuters to get on their bikes. Stations will include snacks and prizes, as well as education opportunities.
Throughout the week, bike skills courses will be available for kids, youth and adults, ranging in price from $30-$75
To ring in the quarter-century milestone, the Greater Victoria Bike To Work Society has organized massive prizes, including a bike-a-day giveaway, and a trip for two to Whistler, including airfare, for anyone who is new to participating, and the person who introduced them to the idea.
For more information, you can visit
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