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Feds get to work on Rock Bay cleanup in Victoria

Lengthy project to clean up Upper Harbour location ongoing for nearly a decade

Public hearing for Esquimalt sewage plant set for Feb. 18

Public hearing on Capital Regional District's development application for McLoughlin Point expected to draw large crowds

Police seek indecent runner at Cuthbert Holmes park

Man jogged by teen girls nude from the waist down.
Songhees Nation excited about business options in Esquimalt, Victoria

Songhees Nation excited about business options in Esquimalt, Victoria

Opportunities for investment ‘endless,’ Chief Ron Sam says

Victoria investment advisor fined $100,000

Disciplinary case over giving inappropriate advice stretches out over four years
Victoria artist donates $2.5 million to art gallery

Victoria artist donates $2.5 million to art gallery

Anthony Thorn wants to give Art Gallery of Greater Victoria boost for renovation plans

IPhone locator helps track down thief

Saanich police arrested a 40-year-old Saanich man after he stole more than $1,000 in cash and four iPhones from two businesses
Saanich woman on a mission of mercy

Saanich woman on a mission of mercy

Alice Powell volunteers her dental skills in West Africa on two-year tour

Honoured Canadians exhibit coming to Victoria this week

Initiative is spearheaded by Governor General's office

Fire damaged day care in Saanich remains closed

The Our Children’s Centre day care in Saanich, damaged by fire last week, will likely remain closed going into February.